002149518 Ultimate Metal Ballpen

Attractive metal ballpen in the style of the Electra. Available in 15 different colours, with black ink.


Black, Cyan, Dark Green, Dark Grey, Grey, Lime Green, Navy, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Royal, Silver, White, Yellow


135mm(w) x 10mm(h)

Print type and position

Side of Barrel: 65(w) x 6(h)

All dimensions are in millimetres

  • 002149518
  • 002149518
  • 002149518
  • 002149518

Price breaks and print colour options

Quantity 250 500 1000 2500 5000
Full Colour £1.07 £1.00 £0.93 £0.89 £0.85

All prices are exclusive of Artwork, Origination, VAT & Carriage